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23 oktober 18:30-20:00

Free embodiment coaching


23 oktober 18.30-20.00

Free embodiment coaching masterclass

Are you a coach looking to enhance your skills working with the body? Join us for a practical and interactive online session on embodiment in coaching. Mark Walsh, a renowned teacher and author in the field, will explain embodied intelligence, and equip you with pragmatic tools to immediately apply in your coaching practice. Content includes: - What is embodiment (and what embodiment is not) - Knowledge of the eight aspects of embodied intelligence - Mistakes to avoid when working with the body - Centring and self regulation techniques (for clients and coaches) - Practical tools for stress management, creativity and leadership

This online session is suitable for coaches at all levels, from beginners looking to lay a strong foundation, to seasoned professionals aiming to deepen their embodiment coaching techniques. Regardless of your experience, Mark's teaching will add a new dimension to your coaching with the body. Expect a unique blend of practical tools, embodied insights, and some silly jokes thrown in for good measure.

Mark Walsh teaches embodiment, trauma education and resilience.


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Lars Lagerstedt

Lars är  PCC certifierad coach och ingår i ICF Sveriges Fortbildningsgrupp som är den enhet inom ICF Sverige som anordnar denna typ av aktiviteter.  Lars arbetar sedan många år med ledningsgrupper, arbetsplatser, affärsutveckling, förändringsledning i större internationella såväl som nationella organisationer. 

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Rickard Fredriksson

Rickard är PCC certifierad och har ägnat en stor del av sitt arbete innebär att hjälpa människor som blivit uppsagda från sitt arbete. Dagligen träffar han personer som letar efter arbeten, som vill börja studera eller starta eget.

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Mark Walsh
“Mr Embodiment” Mark Walsh teaches embodiment, trauma education and resilience.

He is the author of Embodiment, Working with the Body in Training and Coaching, and Embodied Meditation. He hosts The Embodiment Podcast (2 million+ downloads), and led The Embodiment Conference (1000 teachers, 500,000 delegates). Seeing a theme yet?

He co-founded the Embodied Facilitator Course, and the online Certificate of Embodiment Coaching. He and has certified over 2000 embodiment coaches, and taught workshops in over 40 other countries.

Mark gained an honours in psychology (despite been an alcoholic at the time), he has taught widely in the corporate world where he pretended to be a grown up for years, including with blue-chip companies (e.g. Google, Unilever, Shell, Axa, L’Oreal).

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